Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Vegetarianism necessary for leading a spiritual life

I talk on the strength of my own experience; it won't be easy for you to believe me. Because our minds have got accustomed to demanding 'scientific proof' for everything. We manage to accept concepts like Einstein's 'spacetime' or the theories of quantum physics, even though we have never encountered (and never will encounter) these phenomena in our daily lives. Still, because tests have been made in a laboratory somewhere, and some statistics (which you can't understand) have been produced to support them, you feel compelled to believe. In fact, the greatest truths of our universe cannot be proved by science; they are beyond science. Even Einstein, and most modern quantum physicists, will agree to that!

Anyway, let me give you a scientific explanation of the advantages of vegetarianism in the spiritual life. To understand this, you must first understand something about the way the human brain works. The brain registers activity in terms of minute electric currents. When it receives information, or performs certain tasks, it generates electric currents of different frequencies or rhythms. These currents are called brain waves.

There are 4 basic kinds of brain waves, corresponding to different activities: delta waves ( produced during deep sleep), alpha waves ( produced during meditation), theta waves ( produced during periods of strong emotion) and beta waves ( produced when the frontal lobe of the brain is stimulated, during complex mathematical or analytical activity).

Alpha waves induce a feeling of peace, tranquility and relaxed concentration that is typical of meditation and even telepathy. So all meditation techniques, whether consciously or unconsciously, try to create the right conditions for the production of alpha waves in the brain. The strange thing about alpha waves is, they are produced by the brains at times when oxygen supply to the brain is low. Normally we assume that lower oxygen supply will lower brain activity. But the fact is, during low-oxygen periods the brain goes into overdrive. The blood vessels in the brain dilate to allow more blood inflow, and this creates a feeling of relaxation. Simultaneously, the brain starts producing the 'relaxing' alpha waves. So one main condition for alpha wave production is lower oxygen supply to the brain. Contrary to what we think, this doesn't affect the brain adversely in any way.

Now coming to food. Meat is highly acidic in nature, and directly increases blood acidity. To compensate for this, the lungs take in lesser carbon-dioxide ( which is also acidic) and take in more oxygen instead. So the blood reaching the brain will also have more oxygen and less carbon-dioxide. By contrast, vegetables reduce the acidity of blood. To maintain the pH balance (acid-alkali balance) in the blood, the lungs take in more acidic carbon-dioxide. So the blood reaching the brain will also have less oxygen.

This creates the perfect condition for the brain to start producing alpha waves, which help in meditation. This is also why high altitudes with lower oxygen levels (eg. the Himalayas) have been preferred by rishis (sages) since ancient times. Of course, very few people are aware of the science behind vegetarianism. You don't need to know it, you can automatically feel the difference with a vegetarian diet.

Once you start meditating regularly, your body becomes gradually refined, becomes more fit for meditation. Then, just like your body knows which food to avoid when you have a stomach upset, it will naturally drop the foods which stop you from meditating properly. But I say to you, don't force vegetarianism on yourself, even if you are going to take up meditation. If you do that, the repressed desires will grow stronger and you simply won't be able to come out of their influence. If you can drop meat without much trouble, do it.

Otherwise go ahead and enjoy it without worries or guilt. Please don't feel guilty about it! Ultimately, the guilt can cause more energy blockages in your system, it can do more harm than the meat! When your body is ready, it will drop the habit on its own.

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